Live data

Photovoltaic Biogas CO2 saved
Daily production 565 kWh 12,000 kWh 7,288 Kg
Yearly production 16 MWh 0 MWh 9 t
From installation 1,552 MWh 109,950 MWh 63,772 t
Daily production
Photovoltaic 565 kWh
Biogas 12,000 kWh
CO2 saved 7,288 Kg
Yearly production
Photovoltaic 16 MWh
Biogas 0 MWh
CO2 saved 9 t
From installation
Photovoltaic 1,552 MWh
Biogas 109,950 MWh
CO2 saved 63,772 t


The attention paid to meteorology for more than 30 years is a key factor of the cultural planning and of the optimization of resources. This contributes to the energy savings.

Current data (04:28 19/01/2025, CET)
Air temperature 5.9 °C
Minimum air temperature (from h 00) 3.6 °C
Maximum air temperature (from h 00) 6.9 °C
Relative humidity 70.0 %
Daily rainfall (from h 00) 0.0 mm
Wind speed 0.0 km/h
Wind direction W
Maximum wind speed (from h 00) 14.5 km/h
Local air pressure 1,027.4 hPa (QFE)
Solar radiation 0.0 W/m2
Data for current month (04:28 19/01/2025, CET)
Minimum lowest temperature -5.6 °C
Maximum wind speed 11.4 °C
Total rainfall 2.0 mm
Maximum wind speed 17.7 km/h
Weekly weather charts